Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Too much has happened in the past two weeks. It was such a whirlwind of activities that I have no chance of even logging into the internet. Whew...ALhamdulillah, now things have wind down a little. InsyaALlah, I'll get more opportunitites to update myself on the ongoing activites of my fellow friends in the blogging world. I'll also try to fill in on some of the activities which had kept me busy fo these past two weeks :)

During the Thaipusam holidays, we visited MIL in Shah Alam. During our last day of visit, while we were getting ready to come home to Perak, we got news that my SIL is in labor. Hmm...dah alang2 menyeluk pekasam..biarlah sampai ke pangkal lengan...iya tak. So, we decided to postpone our travel plans and wait until the baby is born before leaving for home. My SIL went into the hospital before noon, during her regular weekly check-up, her OB/Gyn had advised that the baby is coming soon as her cervix was already 3 cm dilated.

As this is her first baby, we estimated that she'll probably have her baby sometime before maghrib...meaning a 7-8 hours of labor. In the meantime, we busied ourselves with cooking & cleaning to pass the time hoping that the baby will be delivered soon. My MIL kept calling the father-to-be every odd hour or so to check up on the progress of the mother & baby. As the contraction were not coming along, the OB/Gyn has decided to fasten things along by breaking the mom's water bag and inducing labor. Usually, when the water bag is broken and some induction drug is taken, it'll be an hour or two before the baby is out...right?

Unfortunately, all through the evening and night, the baby has not been delivered. The doctor even tried using the vacuum. Still, no sign of the baby. Finally, after all energy has been exhausted from the mom, they opted for surgery. The OB/Gyn prepared the OP theatre and the mom was wheeled in. ALhamdulillah, a little after isyak, the baby was born safely through ceaserean section. 3.75 kg baby boy. What a big bouncy boy... Allahuakbar. No wonder his mom was having such a lot of difficulty in delivering him normally. May ALlah grants her the most reward for going through such an experience. SubhaALlah, she went through both a normal birth and also a C-section. Verily, Allah is most merciful & does not make us go through anything in life for no purpose.


· When a woman is pregnant with a child, all the angels will make Istighfar (repentance) on her behalf. Allah SWT will, for each day of her pregnancy, write for her 1000 good deeds and erase from her 1000 bad deeds.

· When a pregnant woman starts to feel the pain from contractions, Allah SWT will write in her records as someone who is doing jihad (spiritual or physical struggle) in His path.

· When a woman becomes pregnant by her husband and he is pleased with her, she obtains the reward of a person engaging in fasting for Allah SWT and a person spending the night in ibaadah (worship).

· A woman from the time of pregnancy until childbirth and weaning the baby, is like the Mujahid (someone fighting in the path of Allah, swa) who is stationed on the frontiers of the Islamic land. If she dies during this period, she dies the death of a shahid (martyr).

· Two raka’at salaat performed by a pregnant woman is better than 80 raka’at salaat performed by a non-pregnant woman.

· A woman who is pregnant gets the reward of fasting during the day and of doing ibaadah (worship) during the nights.

· A woman who gives birth gets the reward of 70 years of salaat (prayer) and fasting. For each vein that feels pain, Allah SWT gives her the reward of one accepted hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah).

· If the woman dies within 40 days of giving birth, she will die as a shahid (matyr).

(Hadith)…….”A woman that dies in her virginity or during her pregnancy or at the time of birth or thereafter (in nifaas) will attain the rank of a martyr”

Nabi(salalaallahu alayhi wassallam) is reported to have also said “…….When her labour pains commence, the inhabitants of the earth and the sky are unaware of the stores of comfort that are prepared for her. When she delivers and breast feeds her child, then she will be granted a reword for every gulp of milk, if she had to remain awake during the night for the sake of the child, she will receive the reword of emancipating seventy slaves in the path of Allah Ta’ala. O Salaamat! Do you know who these women are? They are pious, upright, with a delicate nature yet obedient to their husbands and not ungrateful to them”

[Source: Madrasa In'aamiyyah]

C_Section Birth ( Illustration only - Images may be distrubing to some)

So much pain & trouble to bring this baby boy into this world. InsyaALlah, in the end, the reward is priceless...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Maaf ye kawan2...posting nie lambat disiapkan dan di publish.

Baru2 nie, semasa cuti tahun baru cina, banyak jemaah2 yg keluar dr kawasan saya. Suami saya sendiri telah keluar dgn membawa pelajar2 . Jemaah mereka terdiri dari 18 orang dari berbagai2 bangsa & negara. Ada Malaysian, Pakistani, Chad, Nigerian, etc. Mereka telah di hantar utk buat usaha 3 hari di Cameron Highlands.

Pada masa yg sama juga 2 jemaah masturat telah bergerak dari kawasan Bt Gajah dan Ipoh. Mereka telah masing2 diputuskan utk ke Penanti dan Seberang Perak. ALhamdulillah, oleh kerana bayan hidayat utk jemaah masturat adalah di rumah jiran saya, maka ALlah telah pilih saya utk dpt menghadirkan diri.

Lagi & lagi di dlm bayan itu, mengingatkan kami ttg pentingnya usaha di buat ke atas iman. Iman dan yakin yg 100% akan kebesaran ALlah swt. ALlah swt saje yg dapat menyelamatkan dan ALlah swt saje yg dpt menghancurkan. ALlah swt saje yg dapat memberi manfaat dan ALlah swt saje yg dpt memberi mudarat. Manusia langsung tiada kuasa. Hatta utk mengerdipkan kelopak matanya pun adalah atas izin dan kudrat ALlah swt. Manusia makhluk Allah yg lemah.

ALlah yg menyediakan oksigen di dlm udara utk manusia bernafas. ALlah yg mengalirkan oksigen di dlm darah utk fungsi organ manusia. Allah yg meggerakkan paru2 utk mengepam darah ke seluruh tubuh manusia. Allah juga yg mengawal sistem pernafasan di mana oksigen itu dikumbah dan carbon dioksida di hasilkan. Semua ini di luar kawalan manusia. Tidak mungkin dpt dikawal.

Namun, manusia alpa. Sudah lumrahnya manusia itu sifatnya lupa. Maka agama itu adalah nasihat. Ingat-mengingatkan ini utk diri saya sendiri!

Hari ini apabila di sebut nama Amerika...terdetik rasa gerun di dlm hati2 manusia. Amerika suatu negara superpower. Apabila ekonomi negara mereka jatuh, maka seluruh dunia merasa bahananya. When America sneeze, the rest of the world catches a cold. Gusar sungguh pemerintah2 dan rakyat2 negara dunia mengenangkan jumlah penganguran yg makin meningkat. Jumlah eksport negara yg makin menjunam dan pasaran2 saham yg semakin melembab.

Begitu juga, apabila Amerika mula membengis, maka kecutlah perut negara2 seterunya. Risau akan senjata2 nuklearnya, jet2 pejuang stealthnya, kapal2 selam berteknologi tingginya dan yg pastinya peluru2 berpandu mereka yg dpt membedil lawan2nya walau sejauh mana terletaknya kedudukan negara itu. Bayangkan, peluru2 ini apabila telah di tetapkan co-ordinate mangsanya.. ia akan terbang meluru seakan2 auto-pilot mensasari musuh2 Amerika. Ramai dari kita yg faham akan kekuatan2 ini.

Wajarkah kita meletakkan kebimbangan2 ini didlm hati2 kita? Wajarkah kerisauan makhluk masuk ke dlm hati2 kita? Hakikatnya, tak ramai dari kita yg takut akan kekuatan2 dan kekuasaan2 ALlah swt. Buktinya, di Malaysia sahaja...kurang dari 20% umat Islam yg bersolat 5 waktu. Benarkah? Mmg tidak dpt dinafikan lagi. Hari ini, solat yg merupakan amalan yg menarik rahmat ALlah dan yg melindungi kita dr azab kemurkaan ALlah telah kita abaikan.

Pada malam israk & mikraj sewaktu rasulullah saw naik ke langit bertemu dgn Allah swt, baginda saw telah melihat satu perkara yg naik ke langit dan satu perkara yg turun ke dunia. Yang naik ke langit adalah amalan2 manusia manakala yg turun ke dunia pula adalah keputusan2 Allah. Maka sudah nyata utk kita - Setiap keputusan ALlah yg turun itu adalah asbab perbuatan & amalan kita jua.

On the authority of Abdullah bin Abbas, who said : One day I was behind the prophet and he said to me:

"Young man, I shall teach you some words [of advice] : Be mindful of Allah, and Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him in front of you. If you ask, ask of Allah; if you seek help, seek help of Allah. Know that if the Nation were to gather together to benefit you with anything, it would benefit you only with something that Allah had already prescribed for you, and that if they gather together to harm you with anything, they would harm you only with something Allah had already prescribed for you. The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried."

Jika dikehendakinya, Allah swt, dpt mengubah bayu yg sepoi2 bahasa kepada ribut taufan atau tornado yg menghancurkan. Allah swt dpt mengubah ombak2 laut yg lembut memukul pantai kepada tsunami yg menenggelamkan. ALlah swt dapat menggegarkan bukit2 dan gunung2 yg menjadi pasak bumi hingga menimbuskan segala makhluk2 dan pembangunan2 sekelilingnya. Allahuakbar. Maha Besar ALlah. Dia saja yg dapt memberi manfaat dan memberi mudarat. Hanya asbab Maha kasih dan Maha sayangnya ALlah swt kpd kita, maka sebab itulah ALlah swt masih lagi memelihara kit dr azab siksanya. Jika dihitung, dosa dan lalainya kita...maka pasti kita sudah hancur ditelan bumi. Selagi hayat di kandung badan...Berusahalah utk iman & amal...

MasyaALlah, lemahnya iman dan amalan saya.